
Congregation Tikkun v’Or has several committees which serve our congregation and community. Consider joining and participating!

The Avodah Committee plans Shabbat and holiday services and related programs (often in consultation with the Jewish Education committee). The committee works closely with the rabbi and lay leaders to create spiritually meaningful and enriching services. Committee members are available to work with others who want to lead a service. Meetings are on an as-needed basis, usually bimonthly with additional meetings to plan holiday events.

BUILDING AND GROUNDS This group keeps track of the needs and upkeep of our lovely building. They are re-envisioning ways we use the outdoor space.

The primary goal of the Jewish Education (JE) Committee is to provide guidance and support for the education of Congregation Tikkun v’Or’s children. The committee works collaboratively with the education director, rabbi and b’mitzvah coordinator to support educational programming. Committee members are asked to provide feedback and input on the Jewish Learning Experiences (JLE) program and curriculum, staffing, b’mitzvah programming, class services, children’s programming for high holidays, teen programming, etc. The committee plays an important role in the congregation to ensure we are providing a thoughtful reflective Jewish education for our children.
The time commitment for the committee is minimal. We are a friendly, collaborative group that meets several times each year. New committee members are always welcome. Contact

The Finance Committee has primary responsibility for consultation about the annual budget development process and the development, review, and implementation of the investment policy. In addition, in cooperation with the Treasurer, the committee recommends overall financial policies and guidelines for the Congregation Tikkun V’Or. The Committee meets on an as needed basis, typically twice a year.

The goals of the Welcoming Committee are to recruit new members and retain and engage existing members. Tasks include reaching out to welcome new members and potential members, holding an Open House after High Holidays to introduce new people to Tikkun v’Or. Members also regularly hold small coffee hours for new members several times a year, and coordinate events to connect new and old members. The committee also coordinate Shabbat in the Park and Shabbat in the Community. Meetings are 4-6 times per year.

Life Cycle Support:
The Congregation Tikkun v’Or Bereavement Support Committee offers support and resources when a community member is facing one’s own death or the death of a loved one. The group helps with such practical matters as finding a funeral home and leader for a funeral service, deciding upon a cemetery and determining the type of services to hold, etc. These are the kinds of decisions that can be difficult under duress.
The Bereavement Support Committee is available to help develop and/or organize rituals that honor the spirit and traditions of Judaism, both in traditional ways and adapted for modern times and for our multicultural community. These include rituals for preparing the body of the deceased, for sitting with the casket prior to burial, for conducting Shiva services, and more. The group has created useful resources for our community.
The Bereavement Support Committee welcomes new members to assist with some or all of these activities. Time commitment varies with need. The BSC can be reached at <>

The Congregation Tikkun V’Or Caring Circle offers support during life-changing events, such as a birth/ adoption, death, illness, or other life challenges.
The committee reaches out to the community for volunteers to provide meals, transportation to medical appointments or to temple events, or help in meeting other short-term needs (running errands, visiting the sick). The work of the Caring Committee is held in confidence to the extent possible to enable volunteers to respond to stated needs. A Caring Committee member makes contact with the family to discuss their wishes and how best to communicate to the congregation. Time commitment varies with need. The Caring Circle can be reached at

Social Action Groups include the following:
Congregation Tikkun V’Or’s Action Against Hunger Workgroup works with and supports local and regional organizations that are fighting hunger. At this time groups of members are working regularly with two groups feeding the hungry locally.
Ithaca Kitchen Cupboard: Congregation Tikkun V’Or members staff the pantry in downtown Ithaca for 2-3 hours the 4th Tuesday afternoon each month. This effort needs regular volunteers and substitutes are needed as well. In addition there are 2 or 3 food drives a year and volunteers deliver the food to the pantry on a weekday morning.
St John’s Community Services: Congregation Tikkun V’Or members make a total of 60 bag lunches for the 4th Thursday of the month either as a group at the temple or individually at home. Time commitment is 30 minutes to one hour. Commitment is one month at a time.
The workgroup does not have meetings. It is simply a network of members who are fighting food insecurity. Anyone who wants to volunteer for the panty or to make lunches should contact us. Groups who would like to come under the Congregation Tikkun V’Or umbrella are encouraged to join us.

Given an offer from a generous anonymous donor to support energy efficiency efforts at Congregation Tikkun v’Or, the Environmental Sustainability Workgroup has been researching options for reducing TvO’s carbon-footprint (including solar energy). Using information from our research, the committee will present alternatives and make recommendations based on the most efficient use of the financial resources to reduce our contribution to climate change.
The Environmental Sustainability Workgroup has been a particularly intergenerational effort, with several teens working alongside adult community members to explore ways to make Congregation Tikkun v’Or more environmentally sustainable.

SUPPORTING IMMIGRANTS IN ITHACA: Many TVO members are actively involved, and leaders in, local groups which support new immigrants. We are happy to partner with Ithaca Welcomes Refugees and Ithaca Sanctuary Alliance to support individuals and families.

The mission of this group is to:
o Deepen our community’s understanding of the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
o Provide a space for rich discussion about strategies for social justice in the Middle East.
o Explore our ethical responsibilities as Jews, Americans and/or Israelis.
o Open new avenues for moving forward in our commitments to social justice in this region.
The Congregation Tikkun v’Or Israel-Palestine Social Justice Workgroup organizes and supports educational events about the Middle East conflict for members of the temple and broader community. We believe that working for social justice is a core Jewish value, directly called for in Jewish text, and seen throughout Jewish history. We proudly claim that the call for social justice has a rightful place in a spiritual community. Such work can and must include speaking out against the oppression of all peoples. Even when the oppressor is a Jew, or a Jewish nation state, we must uphold the call for justice. New members welcome. Flexible time commitment.

The Racial Justice Workgroup at Congregation Tikkun v’Or seeks to support groups and events that are working to eliminate racism in our own community. In 2015 the work group organized a congregation book read of The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Color Blindness as well as a speakers’ panel. Group members publicize and attend community events throughout the year and encourage others to join us.
We encourage all in the congregation to increase their understanding and awareness of the impact of institutional racism on all our lives. A planning group meets monthly, but more importantly congregants are encouraged to attend community events and participate in activities that support our local communities of color.

The mission of the Enrichment Programs Group (EPG) is to develop and effectively oversee the implementation of engaging educational, cultural, social and community-building programming at TvO. We coordinate with other committees, as appropriate, to ensure a range of programs that support the interests of current members and that target prospective members.

The congregation also has a Fundraising Committee and Communication Committee,

For more information on any committee, contact

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