
Congregation Tikkun v’Or is proud to have a dynamic and highly individualized b-mitzvah* program, led by Michael Margolin, along with teacher Kenny Berkowitz.

Jewish Learning Experiences includes the study of Jewish history, Torah, mitzvot (commandments), ethics, rituals, holidays, and Hebrew.  The Wednesday JLE classes help sixth and seventh graders develop Hebrew reading and prayer skills and prepare for becoming b- mitzvah. batmitzvah

Our small classes allow for each student and family to choose a date close to the actual Hebrew birthday, with the themes of the parashot (portions) in mind. About 6 months before the ceremony, students start working individually, learning to chant the Torah parasha and the Haftorah. Most students also prepare to lead many sections of the Friday night and Saturday morning services. Each student studies the meanings and commentaries on the parasha, and writes a d‘var Torah (commentary) of their own.

Students work together in the midweek class and during individual tutoring sessions.

Students of all abilities, with various learning challenges and gifts, are all encouraged to challenge themselves, to take responsibility for their learning, and to use this opportunity to explore their own Jewish identity. Students are encouraged to make the commitment to continue Jewish learning with further study, and by becoming madrichol (assistants) at Jewish Learning Experiences (JLE).

The B-Mitzvah Handbook is available here.

Students also each work on a tikkun olam project, as a way to focus on how each of us can do mitzvot (commandments) and gemilut chasadim and tzedakah (acting righteously in pursuit of justice) in order to bring tikkun olam (repair of the world). A list of some of these projects can be found here. Project Proposal forms are here.

2024 BMitzvah
April 13 Nora Golden
June 1 Eli Warshof
June 8 Aviya Schwartz
June 29 Gefen Centeno-Pearlman

2023 BMitzvah
February 18 Mona Kallandar
April 29 Eli Ash
June 3 Adam Gerson
June 10 Josh Kraak
June 17 Sally Brenner and Zach Brenner
July 29 Lionel Margolin
August 26 Sammy Epstein
September 2 Sam Bael


Note: “Bnai mitzvah” is  the plural for both bar and bat mitzvah, but technically, it  is the plural masculine form, because in Hebrew, mixed-gender groups defaults to male language. It is still somewhat ambiguous, but in order to be inclusive of all genders and to avoid confusion over whether “bnai mitzvah” is plural or a singular terms for someone who used the pronouns they/them, the term b-mitzvah is often being used as a gender neutral way to refer to both the ceremony and the person involved.  As with other languages, Hebrew is still evolving in best practices in this regard. We are happy to talk with students and families more about these terms and options for gender-neutral ceremonies and Hebrew words.
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