We welcome you to join Congregation Tikkun v’Or (Ithaca Reform Temple). Our membership currently is about 135 member-units / families. Membership entitles you to become part of a vibrant, active progressive Jewish community. Fair Share Dues and contributions go to:
- A vital, progressive Jewish presence that is important for our community
- A rabbi who inspires and enlivens our congregation
- A beautiful building to house our Jewish community and many life cycle events
- Many meaningful life cycle events
- Inspiring Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and other holiday services
- Growing Jewish Learning Experiences and bmitzvah programs
- Bereavement support
- Adult education opportunities
- Prayer services on most Fridays and many Saturdays
- Social justice projects
- Programs to stimulate our minds, conscience, and spirit
- Community Shabbat dinners
- A Community Passover seder, meaningful and delicious
- Jewish community events shared with other Ithaca congregations
- Access to our listserv and members-only section on our website
- The right to vote and have your voice heard as we make decisions for the community
The Welcoming Committee communicates with all prospective and new members. They hope that our friendly ways help you feel at home. An New Members Brunch occurs each year, and we especially invite new members to participate in programs and services which help you become actively involved in the community.
If you would like more information about Tikkun v’Or, please contact us at (607) 256-1471 or info@tikkunvor.org.
The Congregation Tikkun v’Or community proudly embraces a wide spectrum of life choices and an array of Jewish practices, including traditionally/observant Jewish, secular participants, those who are new to Judaism, interfaith and multi-cultural families, and Jewish allies and friends. We welcome families, children, teens, young adults, parents, grandparents, singles, gay, lesbian, and transgender individuals and families, people of all abilities and disabilities, and of all races, ethnicities, nationalities, classes, and cultures, All who are seeking a Jewish community are welcome!
Tikkun v’Or is affiliated with the Union of Reform Judaism (URJ) Northeast Council.