Small Sparks

BOOK TALK – TURNING BACK TO OURSELVES Thursday, August 9, 6:30-8 pm in person and on Zoom

In this hybrid book event TVO member Dalya Tamir will share with us the process and insights that led to the creation of her recently published book. Dalya will read excerpts from the book and at the end of evening will sign books. There will be books for sale at the event. In addition there will be after-dinner refreshments. This book talk is also an introduction to a workshop Dalya will lead in preparation for the high holidays. In this workshop we will look at the process of turning back to ourselves as a personal act of Tshuv’ah. The workshop will be offered during the month of Elul (September 2024).

About the Book: Turning Back to Ourselves explores the pain of self-abandonment, the mind states of self-judgment, self-doubt, and even self-hatred that women too often find themselves experiencing. Drawing on Buddhist practices of mindfulness, compassion, and lovingkindness, and on her experience as a psychotherapist, Dalya offers a path for women to turn back and embrace themselves with kindness and love. Through teachings, stories, and reflections, the reader is guided to reconnect with her own innate wisdom, creativity, and aliveness, opening her heart to herself and in growing circles to all living beings. Even though Turning Back to Ourselves was written for women it answers the quest for wholeness that is experienced by people of all genders.

Registration is requested for this program — for in person or online attendance. There is no fee but donations are encouraged.

This program will be recorded.  


Small Sparks is a creative programming initiative aimed at inspiring a broad range of people in the TvO community to participate in informal activities that build on a pleasure, passion or interest of theirs to bring people together. We began Small Sparks in 2020 while thinking about careful physical distancing without social distancing. On the contrary, we sought to build community as much as possible and avoid isolation, even as we remained careful about safety.

Do you have a Small Sparks idea?
If you have questions or the kernel of an idea of some way you might be able to create a Small Spark at TvO out of one of your pleasures, passions or interests, please contact

Past Small Sparks:

“A Single Step” Lara and Dalia welcomed families with b’nai mitzvah aged kids to join them for a walk in the Dryden/Ithaca area, sharing stories of journeys they have taken. 

Savoring Marge Piercy, with Martha Armstrong  Spending some time reading and writing poetry together. 

“Kosher Pixelswith Chris Xenakis Sharing photos and photography interests

Jew-bilation with Jeff Bercuvitz  Sharing stories of Jewish experiences that really inspired you in some way. 

Torah Tuesdays with Carol Shama Looking at the Torah text in English and different commentaries, and then sharing our own reflections on the text.  

Apple Spirits and Awakened Hearts with Tony Gaenslen and Fran Markover
Tony and Fran reading from their recently published works: The Miracle of an Awakened Heart and Grandfather’s Mandolin

“Write On!” with Annie Wexler Get together to write and share and have fun. Learn how to silence the “inner critic“ so our thoughts can flow without self judgment. 

Stories That Zoom Led by Bruce McKee and Jonathan (JP) Plotkin 

 “Out There” with Martha Armstrong, Shane, and Jeff Bercuvitz, Sharing our visions for TvO’s space, especially our 4 acres of land.

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