SHABBAT IN THE PARK Friday, August 16, 6 pm at the Large Pavilion at Stewart Park
All are welcome to join in this summer gathering. Bring a vegetarian dish to pass if you can. Bring friends!
There will be Shabbat singing with Lauren Korfine followed by dinner and conversations.
THE WAY OF THE COUNCIL: With Aura Hammer and Itaf Awad. Thursday, August 29, 7-9 pm at TVO
Join Itaf Awad (a Palestinian from Haifa) and Aura Hammer (a Jew from the Galilee), for an evening talk and workshop. Aura and Itaf have worked together for over 20 years to build and support peace, equality and connection. They will share their journey and how their partnership and sisterhood has survived the difficulties over the years, especially the Israel-Gaza war. They will then run a brief Way of Council session, offering time for participants to experience their technique for bringing people together across their differences.
Join Itaf Awad (a Palestinian from Haifa) and Aura Hammer (a Jew from the Galilee), for an evening talk and workshop. Aura and Itaf have worked together for over 20 years to build and support peace, equality and connection. They will share their journey and how their partnership and sisterhood has survived the difficulties over the years, especially the Israel-Gaza war. They will then run a brief Way of Council session, offering time for participants to experience their technique for bringing people together across their differences.
Registration is requested.