High Holidays

Information about High Holidays for 2024 / 5785 will be available in mid-August.

All are welcome at Congregation Tikkun V’Or’s Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services. Membership is never required. For capacity and security reasons, we are requiring registration for all high holiday services.

Our High Holiday machzor (prayerbook) is available here.

We never charge for attendance at services at Tikkun v’Or. Please know that we depend on High Holiday donations to pay for our expenses. We ask that you contribute if you are comfortably able.


A highlight of our Yom Kippur services is the Isaiah Challenge, a lecture by a social justice leader who is devoting their life to justice. In the prophetic portion (haftarah) that is read on Yom Kippur, Isaiah calls on us to make our fast a fast for justice: “to feed the hungry, clothe the naked and let the oppressed go free.”          
Previous Isaiah Challenge speakers:
2023 / 5784  Casey Verderosa, Executive Director of Ithaca Welcomes Refugees.         
2022/5783:  Dr. Luis Aguirre-Torres, Director of Sustainability for the City of Ithaca and co-chair of the NY State Climate Impact Assessment, Society and Economy Technical Working Group. 
2021/5782  Christa Núñez , founder and director at The Learning Farm. and its non-profit sister organization Khuba International. 
*2020/5781:  Amplifying Kirby Edmond’s Legacy: Kirby Edmonds, a local champion of social justice, passed away on August 22, 2020.  To quote his obituary:  “Kirby was a mighty river that flowed through our community and far beyond, watering the positive seeds of possibility.” Laura Branca, Kristian Davis Bailey, Taili Mugambee, Elan Shapiro, and Roberta Wallit shared how profoundly Kirby touched their lives and how we can continue his vision.
*2019/5780: The response of faith communities to the moral crisis in the United States: A conversation with local Christian, Muslim and Jewish religious leaders. 
Reverend David Kaden, Senior Minister, First Congregational Church of Ithaca
Mahmud Burton, President, Al-Huda Islamic Center; Co-founder, Islamic Community Outreach Services
Reverend Debbie Bennett Reynolds, Pastor, First Baptist Church
Rabbi Brian Walt, Congregation Tikkun v’Or, moderator
*2018/5779 Dr. Nia Michelle Nunn, Assistant Professor in the Department of Education at Ithaca College and Board of Directors President of Southside Community Center.
* 2017 / 5778 Onondaga Nation leaders Simone Thornton and Wendy Gonyea and students of the Onondaga Nation School
* 2016 / 5777 Adam Ellick, Senior International Video Correspondent for The New York Times.
* 2015 / 5776 Dara Silverman, national coordinator for Showing Up for Racial Justice 
* 2014 / 5775 Dr. Paula Ioanide, assistant professor in the Center for the Study of Culture, Race, and Ethnicity at Ithaca College
* 2013 / 5774 Marcia Fort, former executive director of the Greater Ithaca Activities Center
* 2012 / 5773 Cal Walker, co-founder and former executive director of the Village at Ithaca
We welcome children (and their caregivers) to services at Tikkun v’Or!
Children learn about Jewish community and worship services by participating. At Tikkun v’Or, we believe it is the joy, privilege, and responsibility of every person in our community to guide and nurture our children. Please join us in teaching our children our community’s values.
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