Night of Beginnings: A Radical Re-visioning of the Passover Seder

26 Mar @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Night of Beginnings: A Radical Re-visioning of the Passover Seder


Dr. Marcia Falk will read from and discuss her new haggadah, which returns to the roots
of the Passover festival with a full recounting of, and original commentary on, the
Exodus story. This “radicalizing” of the seder—rooting it to its ancient biblical source,
which is largely absent from both the traditional haggadah and almost all modern
haggadot—is also “radical” in another sense, re-creating the rabbinic offerings with new
blessings that offer an inclusive theological vision.
To enrich the blessings and other readings, Night of Beginnings contains new poetry and
kavanot—meditative directions for prayer. Colored pages from the haggadah, which enhance the written texts with drawings of springtime flowers, will be shown on the screen during the reading.
There will be time for questions, comments, and requests after the presentation. If there is a particular passage in the haggadah that you would like to hear in Marcia’s version, please feel welcome to ask.

On Zoom only. Links will be available soon.